torek, 15. julij 2014

The (almost) end

Well... It's been a long time since I've written here. There are only 2 weeks left and I need to write (probably) my last post.

The second semester was way ''calmer'' than the first one, but it was still fun, beautiful and worth experiencing.

- We have travelled a bit; Zürich, Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Berlin and home every(!) month from Jan - May - but I'm glad I finished almost all of the exams and can finish bachelor this september and got rid of braces.
In Berlin I met father and mother came to visit me for a short time in Hd; both were happy moments which reminded me that going home will have some advantages ;)



- Drink some better stuff as Jack Daniels and ate good food, which is very important..

(Omar cooked their typical dish from Saudi Arabia, Ana prepared cheese pancakes and buckwheat ''štruklje'')

- Started hanging out at Neckarwiese, smoked some shisha; mother still really proud on that...)

- And watched soccer the last month. Finale was awesome, I suppose I will never be in the winner country of WM anymore (or maybe slovenian team improves so much...). It was also the one and only moment when german system doesn't work as perfect as it should - table reservations didn't work (well, there were mostly not germans responsible for that), bars full of people, security could hardly have some control, no taxis from midnight till early morning or moonliners (night buses), but bikes still all locked (wasn't me checking..), professors unable to keep their mind concentrated on the lecture and probably not everyone was at work on time the next day..

Apart from that I did some sports; march - a very lot, april - a lot, may - hardly something, june - very close to nothing, but now I am swimming regularly again. I am taking part in the relay of Heidelbergman (triathlon) and will have to swim 1,6km in a scary dirty river (I guess there are also crocodiles in there, because the green parrots fly around everywhere in Hd). But swimming makes fun (until the cramps come and sun burns your skin...). I am also discovering some new cycling roads and enjoying the nature, which is not that bad here around as I first thought.

At the moment I'm keeping myself busy with studying for the last exam at the home uni, writing thesis and trying not to miss anything because of that. Sometimes I forget about ''If you don't go, you don't have a story'', but it turns out again and again to be true. 
So, if Im not with friends, to lazy to study, not swimming.. then I just lie on the hammock (prevod: viseča mreža :)) and watch the sunsets. They are the most beautiful ones. 

I am looking forward to spend the last weeks as good as possible - there are already goodbye parties on the event-list, friends from Slovenia comes to visit me, we will visit Omar in Freiburg and probably travel to Bodensee.

Apart from people I met and developed a special friendship, I will miss those sunsets, enormous amount of free time, casual easy meetings, funny and relaxing trips, meeting new people, friendly and happy german people on the streets (who spontaneously return you a smile), the view on the castle  and ''Alte Brücke'', Neckarwiese, swimming pool (+the old guy, who invited me to a dance with him, so nice!), my every week flat bike road, surprisingly good Pizza, terrible pasta (!), the best Hugo, triathletes on every step, amazingly easy erasmus exams and more and more... 
Negative experiences are rare, but I tried to take the positive out of them and learned a lot.  

I will leave enriched with many experiences, some tears, happyhappyhappy memories and a lot of new songs on my playlist, which will always remind me of my staying in Hd :)! 

nedelja, 9. februar 2014

Kaj zdaj?


Bin wieder zurück.. Izpitov je konec, poizpitna rehabilitacija počasi uspeva.
Tokrat je bilo vsega preveč. V določenem trenutku spoznaš svoje meje in se moraš iz situacije kaj naučiti. Potovanje domov sredi največje ''štale'' definitivno ni bila rešitev, tudi izpita doma se (verjetno) nista oba izšla po pričakovanjih. Prihod domov je bil samo moteč dejavnik, nič ali minimalno časa za druženje, prijatelji so me videvali na cesti, jaz pa ignorantsko zaprta v sobi (ter kljub temu nisem imela časa naštudirat vse do konca!). Nekaj sem se trudila športat, pa je tudi to bila bolj muka kot karkoli.

Izpiti so se sicer začeli bombastično, še oktobra si nisem predstavljala, da bom sposobna opraviti (ustni) izpit v nemščini. Zdaj v roki držim Scheine z najboljšo oceno :). Za en izpit sicer še vedno trepetam, ostalih 6 pa sem opravila ok ali nad pričakovanji.

Kako naprej? Nimam pojma. Drug teden imam še en koncentriran Kurs, potem 2 meseca nimamo predavanj ali drugih obveznosti. V začetku marca se selim v stanovanje, pomagat mi prideta Kaja in ata, proti koncu marca moram spet domov. Vmes se mogoče lotim pisanja diplomske naloge ter študija za majske/junijske izpite doma. Ne vem še, ali naslednje leto vpišem absolventa, se vpišem na drugo stopnjo doma ali se prijavim za llm v tujini (favorit). Zato želim zaenkrat slediti izpitom tudi doma, čeprav bo to spet mesarska varianta, ki jo moram dobro premislit. But...anything is possible? :)

Upam, da v prihodnjih dneh energy level spet napolnim na  120% ter začnem uživat trenutek. Potem zgornji plani niti ne bodo več relevantni, prava izbira se bo pojavila, ko bo čas :P

Zdaj pa letim na vrhunski brunch, lp! :)

Aja, še to - v začetku tedna sem prvič po poškodbi (pol leta!) tekla, sicer le rahel jogging, samo da sem poskusila. Najprej ni šlo, ker imam v glavi blokado in avtomatsko ''krumpam''. Nato pa sem poskusila v klanec navzgor, kjer je noga veliko bolj stabilna in zdaj lahko tečem tudi po ravnem; je celo bolje kot hoja...
Občutek je bil fenomenalen, spet lahko ujamem bus in v upanju čimprej začnem zares teči.
Imam le še en problem - iz teka se ne morem na ''hop'' ustaviti na mestu. Zavorna pot je malo daljša :)

Verjetno že 30. ogled mesta kot turistka :)

Tut brez štroma se da študirat:

Pot do železniške postaje v Klagenfurt; cesta čez Holmec zaprta, ampak prevozna :)

 Domač kruh!

Pogled iz sobe:

Vse ok, če se čez 3 ure ne pojavi kontra učinek energy drinkov: